Fred's Testimony: Rooted in Christ

I come from a large family of 18 brothers and sisters. Growing up would go to church and I gave my life to Christ. It wasn't until I was 21 that I rededicated my life to Christ and I noticed a big change in the way I treated people.

As a new Christian, I struggled with temptation and making wise decisions. Eventually, I found myself addicted to crack cocaine, and it had a hold on my life. I was constantly beating myself up and felt condemned. I remember crying out  to God saying, “In order for me to change I just need to sit down with the Bible and nothing but for walls.”

Well about a month later I was found guilty of burglary and sentenced to prison.

It was in prison that I began seeking God daily in His word. God gave me purpose in encouraging others while I was there. I learned that I didn't have to feel condemned because I was forgiven, and each day was a new start.

One of the main things God has taught me is to remain rooted in a local church. I've learned that without being planted somewhere, I'm like a tumbleweed. I need to be rooted in a community that can hold me accountable and help me grow. That's why I got involved with the Life Center six years ago. I was biking down Park Ave and I heard music and there were people handing out clothes and hot dogs. From that day I have not stopped coming.

I've attended Discipleship twice and it has been life-changing. Overall, I am grateful for the transformation that has taken place in my life, and I owe it all to God.


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